By passage of the new EC regulation 1907/2006 on 'Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals – REACH', the economical parameters for chemicals in Europe will change sustainable.
As a European regulation REACH is not needful to be transferred into national laws as deadlines are effective immediately by enforcement at June 1st 2007 and since December 2nd 2008 each European company can only sell substances on the EC Market that are either pre-registered or registered at the ECHA (European Chemical Agency) - otherwise they are placed on the market illegally.
By REACH an increase of security in dealing with chemical substances, less of environmental pollutions and a harmonisation of chemical laws shall be achieved.
As another objective of REACH the harmonisation of the European market, the triggering of an innovation boost and the promotion of employment is to be stated.
All enterprises within the EU producing chemical substances and/or importing them from outside EU and/or applying chemical substances as downstream users are affected by REACH.
In order to comply with the Regulation EC No. 1907/2006 - REACH, it is necessary for UNIPHOS as an European based company to register all substances accordingly to the requirements of REACH.
Due to the complexity and the skills required to conduct a successful registration towards the European Chemical Agency, UNIPHOS has asked likedeelers for the assistance by their Fit4REACH Experts for the registration, so an efficient and REACH compliant registration for the substances can be guaranteed.
UNIPHOS GmbH has pre-registered all chemical substances in focus of REACH and has already successfully registered ATMP, HEDP and PBTC for a tonnage band of more than 1,000 tonnes per year in 2010. Other substances will follow 2013 and 2018.
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